My Architecture Workshops Summer Camp 2022 Grant Award

This article, written by Robert Swain, AIA, who is currently serving as the CAF Vice President, was published in the September issue of the AIA Connecticut Architype magazine.

With a mission to raise the public awareness of, and expectations for, Architecture and the built environment, the Connecticut Architecture Foundation (CAF) has financially supported individuals through its annual scholarship program, and organizations through its grant program for over 40 years.

A true highlight of CAF’s 2022 grant funding has been sponsorship support for the My Architecture Workshops inaugural Summer Camp in Stamford which provided a unique experience for 30 students from kindergarten to grade 8. Led by undergraduate and graduate students in architecture, engineering, and the visual arts who served as the summer camp staff, in combination with visiting industry professionals from multiple AIA Connecticut member firms, students were exposed to a wide spectrum of design workshops and engaging activities ranging from sustainability, architecture and landscape design to structural engineering and sketch-up modeling.

A local artist worked with students to create a large-scale abstract mural and the entire camp community collaborated on a model of the City of Stamford, constructing both the current built environment, and proposed future development.

Brian Gonzalez from Amenta Emma working with campers on their presentation.

As reported by the camp’s founder, Dominique Moore, Associate AIA, the camp was an “amazing educational experience” for the 30 students. In addition to direct participation by Connecticut architecture firms in program workshops, organizations including NOMAct provided support both with sponsorship funding and member engagement.

With his fellow NOMAct colleagues, Brian Gonzalez from Amenta Emma built with students a model of Frank Gehry’s Guggenheim Museum Bilbao. Brian reported, “having the freedom to be creative with the students at My Architecture Workshops was a super fun experience! I look forward to participating again next year and build a new architecture landmark!”

Overall, CAF was proud to support the My Architecture Workshops Summer Camp 2022 program and help promote opportunities for exposure and access to the architectural profession which are the essence of the foundation’s mission.

Read the entire feature here.

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