Sustainable Architecture Week – Day 2: Building Performance Analysis Tools

To help meet the goals established by the Architecture 2030 and the mission of the AIA 2030 Commitment, Amenta Emma is incorporating building performance analysis tools into our repertoire of software. Used to aid our teams throughout the entire design process, from conceptual design to permitting, these programs will inform and reinforce the decisions of our designers with data-driven results.

Sefaira for SketchUp

Our projects will be evaluated initially through iterative energy modeling that produces preliminary findings such as how glazing and sun shading devices affect the interior environment. Passive strategies, like how a building’s orientation influences solar gains or catches prevailing winds, will be examined as well to produce energy use estimates.

Insight – Building Performance Analysis Software by Autodesk

To further add value to our client’s projects we will have the ability to employ even more advanced programs that analyze all aspects of the building from a macro to micro level. From determining the systems and assemblies that will grant our clients the best return on investment to analyzing the carbon footprint of a building, these resources can be laid out in comprehensive and easy to understand reports. Equipped with these tools and strategies, Amenta Emma is excited to enhance its services and continue to provide thoughtful design all while doing our part to preserve our planet.

Picture of Thomas Barker, AIA, CPHC

Thomas Barker, AIA, CPHC

Tom is a Project Architect in the Senior Living and Multi-Family studios, and is a member of the firm's Sustainability and Design committees.

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