Business Insider recently published an article titled, “5 businesses detailed their reopening plans, including what they’re buying, how much it costs per employee, and a floor plan layout showing how it all works.” Amenta Emma Principal Michael Tyre is the main expert featured in the article, sharing insights from our workplace readiness assessment offering, as well as our firm’s experience preparing our office to reopen. 

Michael provided Business Insider with a window into how companies are choosing which infection control measures to prioritize, such as plexiglass barriers and touchless technology. “Larger companies with over 100 employees are realizing how many of their staff interface with frequently-touched surfaces or equipment and are utilizing motion activated restroom fixtures and light switches,” he says in the article.

Business Insider also published a COVID-19 risk map of Amenta Emma’s Hartford office that we have been using as an example as we engage companies to craft their reopening plans. “Even before the pandemic,” Michael says in the article, “we provided more than six feet of space between all workstations to reduce noise and distractions, which are the chief complaints of open plan office detractors.” That, and the fact that we also already had robust video conferencing capability in all of our conference rooms, made our cost to reopen quite low: under $2000. As a result, we were able to focus on the operational and policy issues needed to safely re-open, and communicate those aspects with plans and signage to our staff. This underscores how each company’s reopen plan is different.

“While there are myriad guidelines out there, the return to the office is not a one-size-fits-all strategy. We are helping our clients understand what are the best modifications and solutions that work for their company’s unique needs,” Michael told Business Insider.

Read article here.
(Business Insider subscribers only)

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